May 12, 2025 - 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM - NYU Langone Health Smilow Seminar Room, 550 1st Avenue

57th Anniversary Freud Lecture: "The Revolution in North American Psychoanalysis: Enhancement or Betrayal"

The question asked in this paper is whether the various modifications taking place over the past 50 years are enhancing or undermining the core of psychoanalysis - namely the assumption that there are unconscious mental processes, a theory of resistance and repression, a key role for the importance of irresolvable conflicts originating in infantile sexual experience and the challenges referred to as the Oedipus complex. The author deploys a new clinical theoretical framework for comparing the ways psychoanalysts work and uses it to highlight what changes have and have not taken place, The future is still open.

Event Location

May 12, 2025 - 8:00 PM - 9:45 PM - NYU Langone Health Smilow Seminar Room, 550 1st Avenue

About the Event.

The question asked in this paper is whether the various modifications taking place over the past 50 years are enhancing or undermining the core of psychoanalysis - namely the assumption that there are unconscious mental processes, a theory of resistance and repression, a key role for the importance of irresolvable conflicts originating in infantile sexual experience and the challenges referred to as the Oedipus complex. The author deploys a new clinical theoretical framework for comparing the ways psychoanalysts work and uses it to highlight what changes have and have not taken place, The future is still open.

About Our Speaker.

David Tuckett

David Tuckett is a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Psychoanalysis, and currently Professor and Director of the Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty at University College London (UCL). As an undergraduate he studied Economics and Politics with Sociology at the University of Cambridge, during which time he became very interested in psychoanalysis. He went on to train as an analyst a few years after graduating and qualified with the British Psychoanalytical Society in 1977. Throughout his career Professor Tuckett has worked part-time in private clinical practice, while also conducting research in the fields of psychology, medicine, the social sciences and, more recently, economics. He has held positions at various academic institutions. He was formerly President of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Principal of the Health Education Studies Unit at the University of Cambridge. In 2007 Tuckett won the Sigourney Award for his contributions to psychoanalysis. Tuckett’s published work has focused on some of the core issues in psychoanalytic practice, particularly the clinical situation and training. He has been influenced by a broad range of psychoanalytic thinkers, in particular by Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald Winnicott, Ella Sharpe, Charles Rycroft, Herbert Rosenfeld, Betty Joseph, Ron Britton, Antonino Ferro, Ernest Jones and John Rickman. He has two main interests: the fundamentals of clinical technique and how to talk about them; and analytic training. He has always believed in a pluralistic approach to psychoanalytic theory and technique, and in the importance of scrutinising individual theories according to their merits, rather than to the school or cultural tradition to which they belong. He emphasises the importance of this kind of empirical attitude in Psychoanalysis Comparable and Incomparable: the Evolution of a Method to Describe and Compare Psychoanalytic Approaches (2008). The work of comparison is, in Tuckett’s view, a highly valuable tool for both refining one’s own ideas and deepening our understanding of psychoanalysis as a whole. As he writes in Psychoanalysis Comparable and Incomparable: ‘Recognizing difference provides scope for thought [...] Difference, differentiation and comparison allow articulated thought and are at the heart of much creative development in many fields.’

Learning Objectives.

1. Describe an underlying conceptualized framework about how to assess and understand analysts of different orientations in the way that they actually work clinically implicitly.

2. Describe to what extent the various recent modifications that have taken place in psychoanalysis in the last few decades enhance or undermine the core of psychoanalysis.

CME/ CE Statement.

Psychoanalytic Association of New York (affiliated with NYU Grossman School of Medicine) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0112.


Psychoanalytic Association of New York, affiliated with NYU School of Medicine is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0124.


Psychoanalytic Association of New York is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts #P0064.


Psychoanalytic Association of New York is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0304.


CME/ CE Credits Available: 1.75


How to Prepare.

This event will be held in the Smilow Seminar Room at NYU Langone Health on 550 1st Avenue.


Participants should bring a valid ID and check in at the security desk for their security badge.

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