Psychoanalytic Consultation and Treatment Services

Confidential psychoanalysis and psychotherapy for adults, adolescents and children at reasonable fees.

PANY Faculty in Practice Referrals

PANY Faculty in private practice who accept direct inquiries for treatment. Fees are determined by the clinician.


Access our Faculty Referral Service if you need additional guidance on choosing a faculty clinician.

  • About the Consultation and Treatment Service

    The Psychoanalytic Association of New York (PANY), affiliated with NYU School of Medicine, offers reduced fee psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to adults, adolescents and children in the New York metropolitan area. Treatment is provided by members of the Institute community -- psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and professionals in allied mental health disciplines. Most treatments are conducted by clinical trainees who are in advanced training in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy at PANY.

  • What is the difference between
    psychoanalysis and psychotherapy?

    Psychoanalysis is an intensive treatment, usually occurring three to five times weekly. It addresses a wide variety of emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, work difficulties, troubled relationships, sexual concerns, and issues of self-esteem. It is based on clinical and scientific evidence that individuals are often unaware of factors that shape their emotions and behavior. Unconscious influences can produce specific symptoms or more general emotional distress. Psychoanalytic treatment is a therapeutic partnership focused on helping each patient become aware of the underlying sources of his or her difficulties- not just intellectually but also emotionally, in ways that lead to deep and lasting changes in the person’s life.  A consultation can help determine whether psychoanalysis is the appropriate treatment for you.


    PANY also offers a less intensive form of therapy -- psychoanalytic psychotherapy- which usually occurs once or twice weekly and is based on the same principles as psychoanalysis.


    Read more information on psychoanalysis from the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA).

  • Who is eligible for treatment?

    We invite inquiries from anyone who would like to consider psychoanalytic treatment, as well as individuals desiring psychoanalytic psychotherapy. We also welcome referrals from health professionals. Parents may apply for services for children under the age of 18.
  • Where does treatment occur?

    Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are conducted in therapists’ private offices in the greater New York City area. (locations subject to availability). Please note that we do not see patients in our PANY administrative offices and classroom settings (Bellevue Hospital and 1 Park Avenue).
  • Is treatment in other languages provided?

    Subject to availability, we provide psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Spanish, French, German, Urdu, Arabic and Korean. Korean senior candidates are available to work with native-speaking Korean clients.


    Low-Fee Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy for Korean Speakers

    Treatment is provided by members of the Institute community -- psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and professionals in allied mental health disciplines -- who are in advanced training at IPE in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy and who speak Korean as a first language.


    Download Korean application here.

    Download English application here.

    정신분석적 자문 및 치료 서비스 상담 신청서 (한글판) 다운로드

    자신을 이해하고 변화시키는 힘, 정신분석이 도와드립니다.

    정신분석은 일시적 위로를 얻는 일반적 상담이나 처세술과는 다릅니다.

    현재의 자신을 스스로 변화시키고 성장시키는 가장 강력하고도 실제적인 방법 중 하나입니다.

    The Institute at Psychoanalytic Association of New York (PANY) 은 NYU Langone Health에 affiliation되어 있는 미국에서 가장 권위 있고 전통 있는 정신분석 교육기관으로, 각기 다른 문화적 배경을 가진 정신건강 전공자들을 심층 교육시키고 정신분석가를 배출하려는 노력을 꾸준히 하고 있습니다.

    PANY 의 치료서비스 (Consultation and Treatment Service) 를 통하여 상담을 신청하시면 PANY 의 회원에게 공인된 정신분석을 받을 수 있습니다.

    현재 PANY 에는 심층정신분석 과정의 한국인 정신과 의사들이 있고, 이를 통한 한국인들의 정신분석이 활성화 될 것을 기대하고 있습니다. 지금 상담을 신청하시면 경력있는 한국인 정신과 의사에게 저렴한 비용으로 영어 혹은 모국어로 정신분석을 받을 수 있습니다.

    PANY 공식 홈페이지에 있는 치료서비스 (Consultation and Treatment Service) 입니다.

    PANY Korean Candidate Video from Psychoanalytic Association of New York on Vimeo.

  • How much does it cost?

    PANY aims to offer both psychoanalysis and psychotherapy at affordable rates, generally lower than typical private practice fees. Beyond up to three consultation visits covered by the application fee, fees for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are agreed between patient and therapist and are based on consideration of individual financial circumstances, including income, insurance benefits, and other resources. Fees for psychoanalysis, due to its higher frequency of sessions per week and the commitment involved, may in some instances be lower.

    Please note: We have a limited number of therapists who accept Medicare, and our therapists do not accept Medicaid.

  • Is health insurance accepted?

    Most of our therapists are not in-network providers on insurance panels. We have a limited number of therapists who accept Medicare, and our therapists do not accept Medicaid.

    It is important to note that treatment within network is not always the best or most affordable option. Insurance plans may have high co-payments and offer a limited number of sessions, even with an in-network provider. Please check to see if your plan offers out-of-network coverage for mental health treatment.


    If we cannot match you with a PANY therapist within your insurance network, we will try to find a therapist in CTS who will be able to work with you at a reduced fee, sometimes at the same rate as many copays. Ultimately, fees for treatment will be determined by you and your therapist, taking into consideration the specifics of your financial situation.

  • Is medication management provided?

    We do not offer consultation for medication management as a stand-alone service. Medication needs may be assessed during consultation or in an ongoing treatment. Some of our therapists are psychiatrists who can prescribe medication. Non-MD therapists can offer help in arranging for medication referrals.

  • How to apply?

    Download the application directly from our website. It can also be emailed, faxed, or mailed to you. The $50 application fee may be mailed to our office or paid online via Paypal (does not require a Paypal account - may also use credit card, debit, or e-check). If you are a member of the NYU community- student, faculty, or staff- the application fee is waived. After completing the written application, you will be put in touch with a member of our service for a brief telephone screening. The phone screening is a preliminary discussion about your treatment needs. We will then arrange for you to meet with one of our therapists in consultation, usually in his or her private office. The consultation is an opportunity to discuss your particular situation and interest in treatment in greater depth.

    The consulting therapist will assist you in considering available treatment options. Depending on the consulting therapist’s assessment of your needs, she or he may offer to continue to work with you or may suggest referral to another therapist. We do our best to match each applicant with a therapist who meets his or her needs. If we are unable to match an applicant with a therapist from within PANY, we will provide assistance with referrals to clinics outside of our Institute.

    Treatment and therapists available through the PANY Consultation and Treatment Service:

    • Psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy with a therapist receiving clinical supervision through the psychoanalytic training program
    • Psychotherapy with a therapist receiving clinical supervision through the psychotherapy training program
    • Treatment with a member of the Institute community who is not receiving supervision for her or his work with you (i.e. psychotherapy with a senior trainee or with a PANY faculty member).
  • How long does the process take before treatment begins?

    Depending on availability, you will be contacted about a phone screening within a week of receiving your completed application. In-person consultations usually occur over a period of one to three weeks, with treatment generally beginning soon after.

    Please note: we do not provide emergency care or immediate treatment. In the event of a psychiatric or life-threatening emergency, please go to your nearest emergency room or call 911.

Psychoanalytic Association of New York
NYU Department of Psychiatry
One Park Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Telephone: 646-754-4870
Fax: 646-754-9540
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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