This virtual 8 hour course aims to assist psychotherapists who are working with psychotic persons by presenting a psychological model of psychosis and a psychotherapeutic approach consistent with that model. A follow up consult group via videoconference will also be available for members to present clinical material for discussion.
Spring 2025 Dates:
March 15 - 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
March 29 - 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
April 5 - 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Online Group Consultation - Six 1-hour sessions - Date and time TBD - Limited space available: Maximum 6 learners
PANY invites you to enroll in a seminar demonstrating how to combine CBTp (cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis) and psychodynamic treatment to aid psychotic patients in their recovery.
The Psychotherapy for Psychosis course will outline Melanie Klein’s conception of the psychology of psychosis and describe CBTp techniques in sufficient detail for psychodynamically-oriented clinicians to employ them in their work.
Clincians primarily identified with CBT can expect to gain by adding a psychodynamic understanding of psychosis to their work, and psychodynamic clinicians can expect to learn effective CBT-based interventions that can move the psychotherapy process forward.
A follow up online consultation group via videoconference will also be offered as an separate add-on for learners to present clinical material for discussion.
The didactic course is available for enrollment separately, or in combination with the online videoconference consult group session series.
PANY's Psychotherapy for Psychosis course integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with psychodynamic treatment (CBTp), illustrating how CBTp can help patients come to doubt the literal truth of delusional ideas, while a psychodynamic approach can help patients explore the figurative symbolic truth of psychotic symptoms. The course will demonstrate how the therapist employs cognitive behavioral techniques which move increasingly toward psychodynamic interpretation as the treatment proceeds.
This course aims to assist psychotherapists who are working with psychotic persons by presenting a psychological model of psychosis and a psychotherapeutic approach consistent with that model.
Michael Garrett, MD is on the faculty of Psychoanalytic Association of New York, affiliated with NYU School of Medicine in New York City. Dr. Garrett was formerly the Vice Chairman of Psychiatry at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, where he is currently Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry. He received his medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and completed his residency training in Psychiatry at Bronx Municipal Hospital Center. Most of Dr. Garrett’s professional career has been spent in the public psychiatry sector, first at North Central Bronx Hospital, where he became Associate Director of Psychiatry, and then Medical Director in 1995. In 1997 he became Deputy Director of Psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital, where he was responsible for clinical services. In 2003 he moved to SUNY Downstate as Vice Chairman for Clinical Services. At present his time is evenly divided between patient care, supervision of psychotherapy, teaching, and clinical research. He has for many years had an interest in the difficulties clinicians encounter when trying to develop a relationship with psychotic individuals who have a fundamentally different view of reality than the clinician. He has a particular interest in combined psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral treatments of psychosis. His academic and research interests also include the voice hearing experience and the relationship between psychosis and ordinary mental processes. His publications include:
Duration: 9 hours total
Time Frame: Held on three Saturdays
Location: via Zoom videoconference
CLINICAL CASE 1: The ♀ who feared her cat planned to murder her
CLINICAL CASE 2: The dog with Xray eyes that could see through clothing
CLINICAL CASE 3: The ♀ who almost caused her mother to be lynched by a mob.
EXTENDED CLINICAL CASE 4: 20 year paranoid psychosis- a ♀ who believed she had a horrible smell.
CLINICAL CASE 5: The ♂ who murdered his parents
CLINICAL CASE 6: The ♀ who heard “voices” who predicted death
Limited space available: Maximum 6 learners
SESSIONS 3-8 (1 hour peer supervision videoconference - Schedule TBA)
Format for Presenting Clinical Material - Psychotherapy for Psychosis Peer Consultation Group
If four or more participants are interested in reserving an hour of small group supervision to discuss one of their patients with Dr. Garrett at length, the fee for each member of a group of a minimum of 4 presenters is $200 ($50/group session/person). You can reserve a spot in a supervision group at the time you register for the course. Payment for the group will be due once the group is formed and confirmed. If interested in the group, please reserve your spot as early as possible as groups are limited to 6 members. Additional groups potentially may be available depending upon interest and demand.
Enrollment submissions are currently being accepted.
Seats are limited; early submission is encouraged.
* Consultation group is limited to 6 participants, we encourage you to enroll early. Additional group may be added dependent upon interest.
Click here for enrollment page.
* Learners may enroll in didactic 9 hour course alone.
* Consult group series enrollment is only available in combination with didactic course, and enrollment is for entirety of 6 group sessions.
If four or more participants are interested in reserving an hour of small group supervision to discuss one of their patients with Dr. Garrett at length, the fee for each member of a group of a minimum of 4 presenters is $200 ($50/group session/person). You can reserve a spot in a supervision group at the time you register for the course. Payment for the group will be due once the group is formed and confirmed. If interested in the group, please reserve your spot as early as possible as groups are limited to 6 members. Additional groups potentially may be available depending upon interest and demand.
ACCME Accreditation Statement
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and Psychoanalytic Association of New York. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
AMA Credit Designation Statement
The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 9 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Disclosure Statement
The APsA CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship. This activity does not have any known commercial support.
Psychoanalytic Association of New York (affiliated with NYU Grossman School of Medicine) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0112.
Psychoanalytic Association of New York, affiliated with NYU School of Medicine is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0124.
Psychoanalytic Association of New York is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychoanalysts #P0064.
Psychoanalytic Association of New York is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0304.
"This course was an excellent review as well as inspired me- to somehow, someway return to direct patient care!"
"Dr. Garrett was a great instructor- I like how he interwove humor and patient vignettes to keep us engaged."
"Dr. Garrett taught in such a way that one knew one was with a great intellect and professional — and who was able to make the material accessible and understandable in an easeful and down to earth way. I particularly liked how he used examples so extensively while integrating theory and application into the vignettes. I won’t forget the principles I learned in the course — the are priceless for those of us who work with any level of psychoses in our patients."
Psychoanalytic Association of New York
NYU Department of Psychiatry
One Park Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 646-754-4870
Fax: 646-754-9540
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.