(Korea & Japan)
First Year
First Trimester (September to December)
- Technique I: Consultation and Assessment for:
- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
- Theory I: Freud’s Foundational Model
Second Trimester (December to March)
- Freud’s Final Model of the Mind
- Continuous Case Seminar I: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Third Trimester (March to May)
- Technique II and Continuous Case II: Psychoanalytic Listening
- British Object Relations Theory (5 weeks) and
- Theories of the Self (5 weeks)
Second Year
First Trimester
- Technique III: Effects of Theory on Technique
- Psychoanalytic Views on Dreams (5 weeks)
- Unconscious Fantasy (5 weeks)
Second Trimester
- Development I: The Mind of the Child in the Mind of the Adult
- Depression (5 weeks)
- Uses of Medication in Psychotherapy (5 weeks)
Third Trimester
- Human Sexuality (5 weeks)
- Termination (5 weeks)
- Development II: Developmental Models
Download the Distance Learning Curriculum (.doc)
Download the Distance Learning Curriculum (.pdf)