The Psychoanalytic Study Group of Philadelphia was founded in 2017 by 7 Philadelphia psychoanalysts. The group sought to form an analytic community in order to deepen its educational and collegial ties with each other. After the Board of 7 was established, it sought affiliation with PANY (then called IPE) and the American Association of Psychoanalytic Education (AAPE). The group of 7 was warmly received by both organizations and soon became regular faculty members of PANY. Additional Philadelphia analysts subsequently joined and became Affiliate Study Group members of PANY.
The study group has been enriched by its local collegiality as well as by the PANY affiliation. Faculty members of the Study Group have participated as instructors at PANY, in both the psychoanalytic and psychotherapy programs. The group has also welcomed PANY faculty to Sunday afternoon meetings and brunches in the Philadelphia area.
The Study Group looks forward to growing locally and to expanding its involvement with PANY.
Philadelphia Faculty Members
Harvey Schwartz, MD~
June Greenspan-Margolis, MD<
Sally Holtz, PhD<
Bruce Levin, MD<*
Gerald Margolis, MD<
Jonathan Raines, MD
Diana Rosenstein, PhD<
~Founding Study Group Board Chair
<Founding Study Group Board Member
Philadelphia Affiliates
Lauren Freidus Katz, MD
Craig Lichtman, MD
Jill McElligot, LCSW
Steve Rolfe, MD
Jack Solomon, MD
Scott N. Stehle, MD
Sam Wyche, Jr., DO
Jed Yalof, PsyD
* Training/Supervising Analyst
^ Supervising Analyst
+ Child & Adolescent Faculty
# Training Analyst Emeritus